Thursday 15 December 2022


Great chain of being
Wannabe autocrat
More to follow

Authors' Note: Originally conceived by Plato and Aristotle as a construct to explain the universe, the Great Chain of Being, known in Latin as scala naturae, organized all beings and matter in a hierarchy, descending from heavenly powers through humans, animals, plants and minerals. 

   In medieval times, the concept was expanded as a rationale for the Divine Right of Kings, and to deny unapproved social mobility.

                                                                   final approval at OEDILF #122314, November 2023
Authors' Note:        (khah-ray-DEEM)
Various groups of strictly Orthodox or haredi Jews represent an expanding demographic in Israel, assembling in particular neighborhoods (such as the suburbs of Jerusalem) where they carry out their lifestyle, rejecting and disdaining the secular environment, preferring a world characterized by observance of laws derived from the Torah (Bible). Their traditional dress reflects the groups' roots in 19th century Ashkenazi religious communities in eastern Europe. The name (the plural noun form) originates from a biblical reference to those who tremble at the word of God.

With large families (averaging 7 children per female), these groups made up 4% of Israeli citizens in 1980, and 13% in 2021.

Authors' note: 
gnostic: adjective derived from the Greek noun gnosis; pertaining to or possessing spiritual knowledge or insight

Authors' Note:  Peer has two meanings that are in conflict with each other at times. (1) "equal in rank", the basis of the adjective peerless, meaning unparalleled in quality. (2) particularly in Britain, a member of the nobility, as in "peers and peeresses are members of the peerage". In this case, the wannabe imagines that all flatterers would be rewarded with aristocratic titles.

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