Sunday 20 December 2020

DEC 20 (2020), TOURISTS' PALINDROMIC GUIDE: The Old World #1

This post represents a new direction, based on Tourists' Palindromic Guide: The Americas #1.

SATIRE COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym), 2018. 
WORDPLAY LINK: Geographically focused concoctions are among the many palindromic treasures honored and displayed on this site. Check out the list of entries for "The Palindrome Suite" in the slide at the bottom of the initial post. 
SONGLINK: For those readers who like poetry set to music: You can find lots of singable limerick-medleys, as well as other types of song on our sister blog "SILLY SONGS and SATIRE", such as this recent postIn addition, some readers will be delighted (others will continue to groan) at our collection of songs based on palindromic phrases.

Click HERE to continue to panels #7 through #12.

(Or, switch horses, and check out the palindromes from the Americas, HERE!)


To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of February 2023, there are over 1100 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)

Tuesday 15 December 2020

For Every Adventuality: VERSES for the FESTIVE SEASON


If you want to resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any week in the years 2020 and 2021. (There are now over 600 daily entries on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)

Thursday 10 December 2020

Immersible Bird-Verse: WATERFOWL #5 (T to W)

PARODY COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym), July 2019, a continuation of prior blogposts about waterfowl. 

  Readers who enjoy poetry describing the natural world around them with illustrative images and informative text, might also enjoy these previous blog-offerings, each a collection of eight poems on this broad topic...

Verses about Waterfowl #1 (part #1), June '19
Verses about Waterfowl #2 (part #2), July '19
Verses about Waterfowl #3 (part #3), April '20
Verses about Waterfowl #4 (part #4), August '20 


Tricolored (Louisiana) herons
Trumpeter swans
Wood ducks
Wood storks
Cormorant rookery (3 verses: a 'brief saga')
A loon's life (3 verses: a 'brief saga')

(Note that the three verses of this "brief saga" can be found in more readily legible format on the blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense"; click HERE.) 

(Note that the three verses of this "brief saga" can be found in more readily legible format on the blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense"; click HERE.) 


To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2022, there are 1000 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.) For bird-lovers, one of the advantages of the Daily blog is that it includes our ad hoc postings of brief videos of waterfowl flying and swimming, even parading about on land. 

Bird-watchers, academic ornithologists, wordplay enthusiasts, wildlife photographers, Giorgio's relatives, and just everyday folks have united in their demand for still more illustrated doggerel on this topic! We have just about used up our inspiration for outpourings about waterfowl. We do have a few thoughts, rhymes abnd photos concerning landbirds included in posts on 'Birdlore' that you might also enjoy ...
So, please follow this link

To resume daily titillations on our related blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2023, there are over 1200 unique entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.) The 'Daily' format also has the advantage of including some videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.

Saturday 5 December 2020

Reversing Verse: Limericks About CLASSIC PALINDROMES, part #1

WORDPLAY post, Dec 5, 2020. 

SATIRE COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym) and Dr. G.H. have prioritized wordplay on this blog since its inception in 2016. The concept of 'goofy' variants on classical palindromes was honored as the topic of three blog-postings that you can link to here. A to H post#20 ; I to O post#29 ; P to Z post #40. Indeed, the goofy variants are often the key to teasing rhymes from this otherwise inflexible form of wordplay.
  Today's verses have also been published at
(Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form), an online humor dictionary that has accumulated over 110,000 laboriously edited limericks, including over 450 that we have submitted. The OEDILFian code number for the verse and its status ('T' = 'temporary', not yet finally approved), is indicated below each of our slides. 

Incidentally, artwork, including photos, as well as poetry, are the creation of this blog's author-editors (i.e. G and G) unless otherwise indicated.  The original 'inventors' of the classic palindromes have generally not been reported, and are best regarded as having been lost in the sands of time.
T. Eliot's toilet
A Santa at NASA

Please note that beyond this point in the presentation, there will be an exclusive correlation between green italicized font and palindromes (phrases or sentences whose letters are ordered identically when they are read backwards as well as forwards)

1. Dennis sinned
2. Drawn onward
3Gnu dung
4. Yreka bakery
5. Lonely Tylenol
6. UFO tofu
7. Too hot to hoot
8. Never odd or even 
(for continuation, see the link below)

Authors' Note: 

patsy: slang for 'sucker' or 'gullible person'

Dem: American short-form for 'Democrats', referring either generally to adherents of the political party, or to elected officials

Don: short-form for 'Donald'; a respectful term of address for a Spanish or Italian nobleman; a leader of the Italian Cosa Nostra

D.C.: District of Columbia, often used in casual references to the American capital city, Washington

   This poem was written just after the publically broadcast hearings of the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives in the first impeachment of Donald Trump in November, 2019.

   Are we not drawn onward to new era? also represents a classic palindrome.

 Click here to learn more about Yreka CA.

Authors' Note: The phrase UFO tofu is often mentioned as a 'classic palindrome'. To which, the author rejoins, "Not UFO: futon". 

Authors' Note:

Sir; a plan, if final — Paris.

  In December 2015, the United States, under President Barack Obama, became a part of the Paris Accord, an international convention to mitigate the effects of climate change by curtailing production of greenhouse gases.

  In June 2017, President Donald Trump, whose personal business depended in large part on the construction and operation of golf-resorts, proceeded to withdraw from the treaty.

  Immediately after his inauguration in January 2021, President Joe Biden took measures to rejoin the accord.

Stay tuned for further posts that will bring you poetic interpretation of more classic palindromes:

Scheduled for January 5, 2021 ... 
9. Sex at noon taxes
10. No 'X' in Nixon
11. A Santa at NASA
12. T. Eliot's toilet
13. Madam, I'm Adam
14. Sex of foxes
15. Able ere Elba
16. A Toyota's a Toyota

Scheduled for February 5, 2021 ...
17. Mr. Owl ate my metal worm
18. Emil's lime
19. Critique of palindromes; 'To idiot:' 
20. A dim or fond 'No!' from Ida
21. No lemon, no melon (fruitless)
22. Contrived (saw- and see-lines)
23. Flee to me, remote elf
24. No sir, prison (Roger Stone)

Scheduled for March 10, 2021 ...
25. Zeus sees Suez (canals)
26. Step on no pets  
27. Do geese see God?  
28. No 'D'; No 'L' -- London (negation)
29. Dogma? I am God
30. Mix a maxim
31. Egad! no bondage
32. Go hang a salami..... 

Scheduled for December 15, 2021: 
33. Racecar
34. No left felon 
35. A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama
36. The Dacha: palindrome-enhanced American satire, a brief saga
37. Leigh Mercer's Palindrome Workshop, a brief saga


Gnats Stang: Gnus Sung
Palindromes of Evil
Sin and Redemption
Leigh's Palindrome Workshop

To resume daily titillations on our related blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2023, there are over 1200 unique entries available on the  Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.) The 'Daily' format has the advantage of including song-lyrics, videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.  

Friday 20 November 2020

NOV 20 (2020), TOURISTS' PALINDROMIC GUIDE: The Americas #4

WORDPLAY post #192
Preview of this fall's offerings. Target date: November 10.
This post is a continuation of...
 Tourists' Palindromic Guide: The Americas #1
 Tourists' Palindromic Guide: The Americas #2
 Tourists' Palindromic Guide: The Americas #3

SATIRE COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym) and Dr. GH, 2018. 

WORDPLAY LINK: Panels showing palindromic phrases derived from geography of the Americas were originally displayed on Wordplay posts on this blog during the interval from 2018 to February 2019; the current examples have been developed since that time. Geographically focused concoctions are among the many palindromic treasures honored and displayed on this site. Check out the list of entries for "The Palindrome Suite". 

SONGLINK:  Some readers will be delighted (others will continue to groan) at our collection of songs based on palindromic phrases -- click the link to the initial blogpost in this series to make these links available as well.

Still want more palindromic fun? Click HERE for 'concluding remarks' about New-World and Old-World palindromes.

For hotlinks, check out the blogpost "Hotlinks: More than One Thousand Palindromes", or see below...

Palindromic Political Blurts by Ed the Derailed Liar (post #11) 
Prudery and Denial (post #13)
Canalindromes: A Bidirectional Trip through the Panama Canal (post #15)
A Review: Composing Your Own Palindromes (post #19)
Beyond Classic Repertoire: GOOFY VARIANTS post#20post#29post#40
Using Palindromes for Spelling: True, false and Uncertain (post #42)   
Geographic Palindromes from the New World (post #65) 
Geographic Palindromes from the Old World (post #68) 
The Meaning of Life as Revealed In Palindromes: Definitions and Examples (post #109)
The Culinary World Explored with Palindromes (post #114)


To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of February 20232, there are 1100 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)

Sunday 15 November 2020

Immersible Bird-Verse: WATERFOWL #4 (P to S)


PARODY COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym), 2019/2020, a continuation of prior blogposts about waterfowl. 

  Readers who enjoy poetry describing the natural world around them with illustrative images and informative text, might also enjoy these previous  blog-offerings, each a collection of eight poems on the wider topic...

Verses about Waterfowl, June '19
Verses about Waterfowl (part #2), July '19
Verses about Waterfowl (part #3), Apr '20

The pelicatessen
Roseate spoonbills
Ruddy turnstones
Sea-bird feeders
Snow Geese
Snowy Egrets
Swan spp

Authors' Note:

fress is a loanword verb from either German or Yiddish implying eating heartily or snacking frequently.

delicatessen has been applied to both high-end retail food stores selling unusual and imported prepared foods, and to restaurants preparing German, Jewish or other ethnic cuisine (frequently, the two functions are combined). It may also refer to the products purchased in these outlets.

Sushi is not among the expected foods in such an establishment, so the analogy to a pelicatessen for waterfowl has been unexplored until now. At least in Canadian official documents, for the sake of gender-neutrality, fishermen are referred to as fishers.

After initially using this neologism (word-creation) as a descriptor on the blog "Edifying Nonsense", and misconstruing it as his personal invention, the author became aware, via the internet, that there is a restaurant located at a resort on Bald Head Island, North Carolina with that name. Although that fact is of interest, it is of limited relevance. Seabirds are apparently not served at the establishment, either as customers, or as menu-fare.

Bird-watchers, academic ornithologists, wordplay enthusiasts, wildlife photographers, Giorgio's relatives, and just everyday folks have united in their demand for still more illustrated doggerel on this topic!
So, please follow this link

To resume daily titillations on our related blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2023, there are over 1200 unique entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.) The 'Daily' format also has the advantage of including some videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.