Thursday 20 May 2021

MAY 20 (2021), Healing Political Divisiveness: The ANAGRAM SISTER-CITY INITIATIVE

PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, March 2016, revised February, 2017.

EXPLANATORY NOTE: The initial concept for this piece, developed during the buildup to the election of November 2016, highlighted the nonsense of anagrams as a mechanism to defuse the intense partisan animosity that became manifest during that tumultuous period. Unfortunately, following the election, the animosity has continued and even intensified further. Different media sources, viewpoints and responses to developments characterize the 2 populations, which now live in 'alternate realities', and it has become more difficult to sit on the fence (a frequent pose taken by the author). 
  Consequently, we now propose a mechanism for reintegrating our divided society, and returning to a more balanced equilibrium. Communities might be easily located where the predominant viewpoint reflects one of the '2 solitudes'. Even within these towns, more open-minded citizens could be persuaded to become involved in exchanges with sister-cities that otherwise share some demographic similarities, but who presently seemed to be uncompromisingly devoted to the opposite point-of-view. Here are some initial proposals for pairs of communities which might benefit by such an exchange of viewpoints.

Saturday 15 May 2021

CANADIANA, part #1 (verse, photos, Scrabble-boards, and misc. nonsense)

Canadian spelling
Speech borrowings
Canadian moose
Canadian weather
Toronto / Buffalonian
Compassionate Use
Overwintering waterfowl
Seniors hockey
(check the link below for a follow-up series)

Authors' Note:

centre: word-form used for 'population hubs' in the majority of English-speaking countries, exactly equivalent to the American center

traveller: ditto (American = traveler)

   The American visitors were not quite correct. We Canucks, if we were so motivated, would "practise pre-empting dissenters". But, as Canadians are inherently mannerly, few among us would ever consider such a response, eh? 

Authors' NoteThe metaphorical use of 'borrowing' in the context of speech and ideas continues, often without payback/return, in the examples of 'borrow a word/phrase', 'borrow a page', 'borrow an idea', etc.
 Characteristic differences in speech between Canada and adjacent regions of the United States involve words such as ehoutborrow and sorry. Exposure to a flood of American-based media has eroded some of these differences; but as our national anthem says, "We stand on guard for thee."
 Readers may note that, as an intentional measure of international friendliness, the above verse maintains its rhymes when read with either a Canadian or American accent.

Authors' Note: This verse was inspired by a character in a verse by OEDILF chief editor, Chris J. Strolin, who railed against the use of the incorrect term 'Canadian goose'.

In fact, when our protagonist Bruce was insightfully contemplating the introduction of moose into suitable environment in Newfoundland (NEW-found-land), the island was a separate British colony. As railway building had recently opened the island's interior, it was hoped that hunters would be attracted in search of a species in decline in the US and parts of Canada. 

In 1904, four eastern moose from New Brunswick (that subspecies is known as Alces alces americana) had been set loose on the island. Ultimately Newfoundland, including its burgeoning population of moose, joined the Canadian confederation in 1949. 

The rest is history, eh? Newfoundland now (2023) has the densest population of moose in North America, accounting for 150,000 of the continent's million remaining large ungulates.

Authors' Note: 
hinterland: a geographic term for 'interior', derived from the German adverb hinder = 'behind'.

The author contends that the summary he received overemphasized the adverse climatic conditions faced by Canadians, the majority of whom live in the more temperate southern portions of the country.

mid-November in Toronto

Authors' Note: 

Buffalonian: a native of Buffalo, New York, in the northern tier of American cities, located 90 miles (150 km) from Toronto, Canada

northern cities vowel shift: linguistic term for the key element in a regional accent whose use peaked in a band across the northeastern portion of the United States. Its use there is apparently now declining, but it has never been used in adjacent parts of Canada; the dialect is known as the Great Lakes dialect, Inland North dialect, or Inland Northern American English.

Buffalo Bisons: a class AAA minor league baseball team (Toronto Blue Jays affiliate). 

Authors' Note (originally written in 2016):  

   Growing marijuana seems to be a major activity on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, centred in the city of Nanaimo (nuh-NAHY-moh). Exemptions from restrictions on the substance are given for certain medical conditions, termed compassionate use; however, the criteria appear loosely applied, and overlapping recreational and medicinal use of the substance underlies the region's laid-back attitude.

   It is unlikely that Nanaimo will successfully challenge the dominance in limericks currently held by Nantucket. The island of Nantucket has been the setting for a number of limericks; the most famous clean one deals with a crotchety old man whose daughter rips off his poorly hidden cash.

Authors' Note: Ron, the anthropomorphic trumpeter swan, first appeared on this site in the verse 'trumpeter swan' in a blogpost dealing with waterfowl.

Authors' Note: In ice hockey, a hat trick denotes the scoring of three goals in one game by a single player. 

  The second verse is a spoof on the iconic Nanaimo limerick (the whole collection of these intriguing parodies can be found HERE).

  Hockey has a unique role, said to function as a foundation of national identity, as well as Canada's national sport. Beyond cheering the professional league players and national teams, there has been major growth in recreational hockey, both amateur leagues and informal games. The wide demographic now includes seniors and women. Reserved time at local ice-rinks, even in the wee hours, is a highly cherished commodity.

To view eight more verses dealing with Canadiana, check out this later post (part #2) by clicking HERE.

To resume daily titillations on our related blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2023, there are over 1200 unique entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.) The 'Daily' format has the advantage of including some videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

American Satire: A TERM OF ENDIREMENT #2

This post provides a follow-up to 
"AMERICAN SATIRE (A Term of Endirement) #1"(Note that this first collection of poems gives helpful suggestions on how to SING these intriguing verses.)  

Author's Note: Rex Tillerson, formerly a petroleum-industry executive, served for just over a year as Secretary of State under the contentious 45th president. Tillerson disagreed with his chief on a number of issues, the press reporting that Tillerson had referred to his boss as a "moron". Although this report was denied, Tillerson was publicly challenged by his leader to an IQ contest, and then was summarily fired in March 2018.

Authors' Note:  In the midst of the Trump-Russia investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in February 2018, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee issued the 'Nunes Memo', a four-page document that alleged that the FBI had conspired against President Donald Trump.
   Nunes has proceeded in the same vein in his later career, organizing the Republican Party’s role in the politically-charged 2019 House of Representatives Judiciary Committee’s impeachment hearings, as the Ranking Minority Member. 

Author's Note: NAFTA is the acronym for the North American Free Trade Agreement, a pact formed by the U.S., Canada and Mexico in 1994. The trilateral pact has been the target of invective, and the subject of renegotiations by the Republican administration in 2017 to 2019.

Owing to intense demand for more verses of this type, we have worked hard to accommodate your wishes; in fact there are now seven such collections! So, you can view another collection of these philosophically-charged limericks by clicking this link ! 

To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2022, there are 1000 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)