Since 2016 Giorgio Coniglio, registered pseudonym and editor-in-chief, has been bundling collections of POETRY, WORDPLAY and PHOTOGRAPHY, seasoned with humour and parody, with the sole aim of entertaining YOU with presentations at the rate of 4 times per month. The related blog "DAILY ILLUSTRATED NONSENSE" sends out items from these collections in somewhat random order one-at-a-time.
Saturday, 20 April 2024
American wordplay map: R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N V-O-T-E-R-S, #3
Monday, 15 April 2024
This blogpost will give you more understanding and some helpful examples related to a type of limerick-variation indulged in by the authors. To see the whole spectrum of our efforts, you might want to take the time to review "A Corner of the Poet's World: LIMERICK VARIATIONS".
Egad, no bondage! and Egad, a bad age! are found in lists of classic palindromic phrases.
Authors' Note: Our protagonist, presumably a Canadian snowbird, can take little comfort in the higher values of Fahrenheit than Celsius temperatures in the reasonably livable range. The temperature is what it is; only the describing numbers differ, although they are precisely related as defined in PGS's conversion. And below -40 degrees, Celsius is higher (but not warmer) than Fahrenheit.
The above verse was written on a brisk January morning when the temperature in degrees was -12C (10F) in Toronto, -10C (14F) in Atlanta, and 11C (52F) in Miami.
Authors' Note:
trombenyk: Yiddish for a ne'er-do-well, often a braggart
oy, gevalt (oy-guh-VAHLT): phrase borrowed from Yiddish; an exclamation expressing shock, surprise or disapproval
Authors' Note: As shown by verses collected at OEDILF, the slang term chippy has a spectrum of slang meanings including 'prostitute/loose woman', 'argumentative' and 'fish-and-chips eatery'. Where we live, the first two uses are in effect. In the US, postal zip-codes roughly identify the location of one's residence.
Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Cardiologic Tracings: AT HEART, part #1
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
Dipyridamole (stress)
Dobutamine (stress)
(for continuation, see the link below)
Authors' Note: Atrial fib, also abbreviated to a-fib or AF, is medical jargon for atrial fibrillation. Causes for AF include various heart and lung conditions, particularly valvular heart disease, but half of cases occur spontaneously.
Atrial fibrillation, a related cardiac arrhythmia associated with a highly variant heart rate, is discussed above.
Friday, 5 April 2024
Collected "LIMERRHOIDS" (oversized limericks with C-rhyme extensions)
To assist readers' further understanding of this issue, the extension results in an elegant non-standard 7-line verse, which we have called a "LIMERRHOID". One should take care, however, as not all 7-line limericks are the result of applying O'Malley's modification. Care must be taken not to confuse this process with the less rigorous addition of extra A- or B-rhyme lines, that result in a "Run-On Limerick".