Sunday, 10 January 2021

review of 'BRIEF SAGAS' from 2020

 A NOTE from the EDITORS: 

 As readers may have gathered, these blogs feature several types of light, wistful and humorous reflections on current life, chief among them  short verses using the limerick format, more or less (see the blogpost "Limerick Variations"). But on occasion, we feel the urge to continue important themes through several stanzas worth of poetic ideas. So in this post, we highlight the previous years' offerings of 'lengthier' poems of at least 15 lines or 3 stanzas. We have been publishing these at the rate of once a month on "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", but as they are mixed with shorter verses of five lines, i.e. standard limericks, or even three lines, (palinku --palindromic haiku), you might have failed to notice and review them in their entirety. 

  This summary gives you a second chance to explore these lengthier creations that contain as many as 6 stanzas -- hardly lengthy enough to be considered a genuine saga, but we hope reflecting the authors' sagacity.  

  The compressed mode in which our 'sagas' are displayed may enhance your appreciation of the range of topics covered; if you prefer to enjoy the details in a larger and more readable font, you can quickly access the posts on this blog devoted uniquely to their stanza-by-stanza display (as well as notes, related photos and videos), by entering their title into the search lines provided. And from there, you can, of course, explore further to enjoy the multitude of shorter verses.  

Acropolis                     Nov
Aegean cat                  Aug
Auld Lang's Sine         Dec
Broken arrow              Jul
Chemainus, BC            Jan
Claire's celerity           Apr
Cyclades                      Oct
Fluoridation                 May
Food intolerance         Sep
Loon's life                    Jun
Palmetto trees             Feb
Walrus and Carpenter Mar


For the curious reader's convenience, we have sorted our treasury of 'brief sagas' by the year of publication on this blog. Altogether, you will find more than 40 whimsical poems that cover about 800 lines of verse. 

Click below, and enjoy!

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