Sunday 20 November 2016


WORDPLAY post #14
PALINDROMES: an alphabetic list of topic-directed examples.
EDITOR: Giorgio Coniglio, February 2017.



A dim or fondle-held 'No' from Ida.

A man, a pain, amor - Romania (Panama).

A man, a pin-up (pun I) - Panama.

A man, a poem or Romeo - Panama.

A man, a pro, a "Hola!", "Aloha", or Panama.

A man? I gave no one v***na, Ma.

A slim or fond 'No' from Ilsa.

Ah, a moniliasis. Ail in Omaha.

Aloe, rapid dip - areola.

Alone: Rabbi's sib - bare Nola.

Amen, a Piety-Lyte - Ipanema.

Amen, a pill -  Ipanema.

Amen, a pin-up pun: Ipanema.

Amore - Roma. 

An ad, "Peep if I peep. Dana" 

An ad, "Strap parts if I strap parts. Dana"

Are Mac 'n' Oliver ever evil on camera?

As I pee, sir, I see Pisa.

Bad exes sexed, Ab.

Burrow or rub.

Cain, a motor erotomaniac.

Dennis sinned.  (See post "Satan and His Devilish Palindromes" for many variants)  

Dig Ira - rigid.

Don said, "A Nadia's nod ..." 

Doomed: un-nude mood.

Ed under Deb's bed. Red, nude.

Egad! No bare life-defiler - a bondage.

Elope, else sleep. Olé !

Eros? Sidney, my end is sore.

Ev; lovers revolve.

"Even it felt left in," Eve.

Harass exes, Sarah.

"I desire not one rise", Edi.

I moan, "Spit tops if I spot tips, Naomi."

I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.

Ma is a nun, as I am.

Ma is at sensuous nest, as I am.

Motel bidet: Edible, Tom.

Motto B sotto Otto's bottom.

Ms; I pair-prefer. Refer -  "priapism".

Naomi, I moan.

Nemo, we revere women.

No lynxes' sex - nylon.

No lynxes pale. Lap-sex. Nylon.

No! Tie it on.

Now, Ned, I am a maiden won.

Nu? Fondle held; no fun. 

One man, Apollo - panameňo

Puff up if I puff up.

Retract bed-debt, Carter.

Revolt on Yale, delay not lovers.

"Ron. I'm a minor."

Senile feline prefer penile felines.

Sex-elf flexes.

"Sex afar", Ira faxes. 

Sex at my gym taxes.

Sex at noon taxes.

Sex at p.m. or romp taxes. 

Sex aware era waxes.

Sex of foxes.

Sex - obese boxes.

Sis; airy task - satyriasis.

Solo gigolos. 

Sore? Bursitis rub, Eros.

Strap on no parts.

Sun- an avid divan - anus.

T. Eliot Ret. faxes, "Sex after toilet".

Tender red net.

Too hot to hoot.

Tulsa tips: "66; spit." A slut. 

Uvula -  'A luv U. 

Women! Ah! a mode, Ed - Omaha NE. Mow!

Won't lovers revolt now?

Yawn! O, latex et al. on way.

Yawn! Amore, Roman way. 


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