WORDPLAY post #79
A Collection of Limerick Verses Related to Dr. Michael Freeman's Role in Nuclear Cardiology, Cardiology Practice, and Hospital Administration.
I had the good fortune to work with Mike Freeman (see obituary below), a true friend, devoted clinician and man for all seasons. MF's role in his beloved St. Michael's Hospital featured primary attention to the needs of his patients, academically productive devotion to development and research in his chosen field, a vast fund of knowledge based on personal experience and study of evidence-based literature, and perceptive administrative decisions, all tempered by humility and a sense of humour.
EDITOR: Giorgio Coniglio, September 2017.
PRIOR POETIC PUBLICATION: A number of these verses have been previously web-posted at www.OEDILF.com, website for the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form, where submissions are subject to rigorous scrutiny and intense editing. Numbers shown at the bottom of the slide indicate the accession number for the individual approved limericks. The dictionary has been essentially completed for "Defined Words" from the portion of the alphabet A - Go, with further submissions pending (over the next 4 decades).
SONGLINK: Set to music, some of these verses have been published on our lyrics blog "SILLY SONGS and SATIRE" as a singable limerick medley.

FREEMAN, MD, FRCP(C), FACC, MICHAEL R. December 29, 1948 - September 3, 2017 Passed away suddenly in Algonquin Park while camping with family and friends. Beloved husband of 45 years of Sharon. Loving father of Janis, Jonathan and his wife Becky, and Katherine. Proud grandfather of Samuel, Charlie and Lucas. Dear son of Robert and the late Violet and brother of Roger and his wife Mary Jo. He was born in Windsor, Ontario and spent most of his life in Toronto. Cardiologist at St. Michael's Hospital since 1980, currently serving as Medical Director of the Heart and Vascular Program, Director of Medical Informatics, and Director of Nuclear Cardiology. He was an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. He earned his medical degree from Queens University in 1974 after completing a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Windsor. Dr. Freeman completed his Fellowship in Cardiology at the University of Toronto in 1978 and then spent two years as a research fellow in Nuclear Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai MedicalCenter in Los Angeles. He established one of the first Nuclear Cardiology labs in Canada and expanded the knowledge of this technique to the clinical and research community across the country. He published more than fifty peer-reviewed papers and spoke nationally and internationally concerning the application of nuclear cardiology techniques in clinical practice. Michael was a founding member of the Canadian as well as the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology. He was passionate in all his work and was devoted to his patients who will miss him dearly. He had a life-long love of sports, a passion for the Raptors, Blue Jays, and the Detroit Lions which he passed on to his family. Michael and Sharon were devoted to each other in their work and the raising of their family. Together they enjoyed extensive travel to Europe and the Caribbean. He had a strong faith in Christ which began at age nine at the Salvation Army and continued throughout his life. He served in many leadership positions including Chairman of the Elders at Bayview Glen Church. His children have also embraced faith in Christ and carry it forward in their lives.
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