Wednesday, 10 March 2021

UPROOTED VERSE: Poems about TREES, first growth

Sabal Palmettos
Shem Creek Park,
Mt Pleasant S.C.

SATIRE COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio (registered pseudonym) and Dr. GH, December 2018. Today's verses have been published (a few remain under review) at
The Omnificent English Dictionary ILimerick Form is an online humor dictionary that has accumulated over 100,000 carefully edited poems (Giorgio is proud to have contributed a few hundred). 
WORDPLAY LINK: The current post picks up on themes discussed in the earlier post "Sappy Verse". And, as still more verses about trees continue to be formulated after the present post was completed, you will find those as  a later blogpost.  

Some of these poems about trees overlap with the theme or singable content of the lyrics blogpost "Delights of the Garden".

By the way, to find more limericks, or any other search target on either of these 2 blogs, use the SEARCH-FUNCTION found at the top of the right-hand margin.

Authors' NoteOur family pet for 14 years, George the Rabbit (Giorgio Coniglio in Italian) was an unpredictable and somewhat ornery soul. Talented and demanding (yes, he learned to do tricks), he did not care for traditional rabbit goodies like lettuce and carrots, but loved certain fruits including pears and apples. A small pile of apple twigs could keep him engaged for hours on end, and we were fortunate to have an apple tree growing near our back fence.

Authors' Note:  Cinnamomum is a genus of evergreen aromatic trees and shrubs noted for the aromatic oils found in their leaves and bark. 

  C. camphora, a tree important for production of camphoraceous oils in parts of Asia, was introduced into Australia as an ornamental in 1822. The hardy invaders have degraded the environment as they spread, clogging sewers, changing the composition of the soil, and taking over habitat from the eucalyptus on which koalas feed.
  You can read more about the camphor laurel infestation ravaging northern Australia HERE.


Addendum: Fall color, mid-Atlantic seaboard
photo kindly contributed by MMH


Authors' Note: re HEARTS-OF-PALM

  The domesticated form of the peach palm or palmito, offers an ecologically attractive solution to the puzzle of how to harvest the delicacy, hearts of palm. The young trees of this agriculturally superior species (farmed in Costa Rica, Brazil and other tropical Latin American countries), unlike closely related species, grow thornless and produce many suckers which can be harvested without harm to the main tree. 

  In contrast, the chief native of the USA, sabal palmetto or cabbage-palm, undergoes a lethal injury with harvesting.


Under a Norway maple

EDITORIAL ADDENDUM (July 2021, updated):

Owing to hordes of avid readers beating down our door, a second installment has been made available. 
CLi/uCK HERE to view "More Limericks About Trees".

If you want to resume daily titillations on our blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any week in the years 2020 and 2021. (As of September 2022, there are over 1000 daily entries on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on "Edifying Nonsense" in topic-based collections.)

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