Thursday 15 June 2023

Reprehensible MODERN HISTORY

Crimean war
Italo-Turkish war
(Democracy (older concept))
(Cantankerous leaders)
Confederate states
Emperor of Elba
Cannes of Worms (Franco-German)
Broken Arrow (3 stanzas, a 'brief saga')

Authors' Note: The Italo-Turkish War, also known as the Turco-Italian War, 1911–1912, was among the neo-colonial adventures pushed by the European powers (Britain, France, Italy, etc.) who took advantage of the decline of Ottoman Turkey just before the outbreak of the First World War. The territories conquered by the Italians (most of current-day Libya and also the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea) remained under their control through the Second World War, with Mussolini's National Fascist party in power in the Kingdom of Italy for most of this period (1922–1943).
The treaty to end the conflict was named after the resort facility in Lausanne, Switzerland at which it was signed by the belligerents, becoming known as the Treaty of Ouchy (oo-SHEE).

Authors' Note: More than 150 years after the conclusion of the American Civil War, the role of the Confederacy continues to generate high emotions.

Further enlightenment on this topic can be obtained by viewing a post entitled "Able Ere Elba". Click HERE.

Authors' Note:
nachbarlich (NAKH-bahr-likh): neighborly 
l'après-guerre (la-preh-GAYR): period immediately after the Second World War in France, approximately 1945-1948

Cannes (KAN): French town on the Côte d'Azur, famous for its luxury hotels and villas, and for its international film festival

Worms (VORMZ): German town (sometimes pronounced by anglophones as WUHRMZ) of about the same size as Cannes and Limerick, famed for its production of liebfraumilch

(Note that the three verses of this "brief saga" can be found in more readily legible format on the blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense"; click HERE.) 

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