classic neologisms
Fulton's Gnu-barHipster and hippy
personal neologisms
electile dysfunction

Authors' Note: The disparaging term gobbledegook was first used in 1944 by a Texas politician named Maverick (scion of the original staunchly independent thinker). Its meaning — pompous, overinflated language — gave rise a few year later to the equivalent bafflegab. These expressions, employing repetition of sounds, have a musical and amusing quality, as do their venerable synonyms --hogwash, poppycock, balderdash, bunkum and tommyrot. (Only their close cousin claptrap (alternately clap-trap) -- would qualify as a reduplication).

Author's Note: Rudy Giuliani, former federal prosecutor and mayor of New York City, served as a legal advisor to the forty-fifth US leader, coordinating court challenges designed to help overturn the results of the American presidential election of 2020. Dysfunction as a general medical or social state is discussed by SheilaB, a prolific contributor to OEDILF. Among many verses on the topical specific entity, Giorgio’s take on erectile dysfunction can also be reviewed at that website.
Electile dysfunction has not been as popular a topic.
Authors' Note:
abuela: grandmother in Spanish
abuelita: 'little grandmother', an honored family role in Hispanic-American culture
POTUS: President of the United States, acronymic title that has so far been applied only to males, few of whom have been bilingual
POTUSA: (A = of America), a title, influenced by Spanish wordforms, for a female American president; and if she's a Latina, so much the better.
Authors' Note: Dyscoprotaxis is a neologism, indicating the failure to get the stuff of one's life in order, composed of the familiar Greek roots dys- (impaired, failed), copro- (excrement), and -taxis (movement). The word is opposite in meaning to getting it together.
A few personal neologisms share the distinction of being targeted as a major element in verses elsewhere on this blog. These include
DOGgraphy (diagnostic imaging), and pelicatessen (waterfowl).
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