Monday 10 July 2023

American Satire: PROLONGATION #2

This post provides a follow-up to these prior related collections:
"AMERICAN SATIRE (A Term of Endirement) #1(Note that this first collection of poems also gives helpful suggestions on how to SING these intriguing lyrics.)
"AMERICAN SATIRE (A Term of Endirement) #2"
"AMERICAN SATIRE (A Term of Endirement) #3"
"AMERICAN SATIRE (A Term of Endirement) #4"
"AMERICAN SATIRE (A Term of Endirement) #5"

previous posted poems (prolongation #1)
classified (Espionage Act)
criminal lying
deceit, social
deserved (schadenfreude)
gov by dopes

CURRENT CONTENTS: (prolongation #2)
Hokum (election denial)
Honest truth
Legal precedence
Obstruction of justice
Stupidest coup

Author's Note: 

"Pardon me. When is the next available tee-off time? And by the way, would you like to purchase online a mugshot enhanced souvenir?"  

Astute readers will have noticed that this extended verse, with seven lines, fulfils the criteria for being an "external limerrhoid". Click HERE to enjoy a post that explains and exemplifies this intriguing poetic variant. 

Author's Note:
oakum: naval term for a caulking material prepared by impregnating old unravelled ropes with tar
locum (tenens): Latin loanword for a replacement or substitute for a vacationing professional (doctor, dentist or lawyer)

hokum: a term of disparagement for misguided proposals or ideas, akin to gobbledegook and its lexicographic collaborators

Almost three years after the event, in August 2023, it was promised that there would be released "irrefutable" and "overwhelming" evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 American presidential election. The promise, made amidst a welter of criminal indictments, was quickly withdrawn.

Author's Note: In 2023, the US is looking forward to televized trials of certain national figures. Television cameras are not allowed in trials in the federal system, and one has to rely on the renderings by artists; certain states, e.g. Georgia, do allow the transmission from the courtroom; currently, an important process related to the overturning of state election laws is pending. One hopes that, in that circumstance, each member of the public can easily cut through the veneer of righteousness conveyed by persons whose careers have been built on longstanding deception.

Authors' Note: The 'Mitt' in the above verse is  allegorical, unrelated to any real current person or long-serving Republican US senator. 

Author's Note

A.G.: Attorney Generala political appointee heading the US Department of Justice   
prezcasual term for president, used in lightweight discussion of the American political situation
Forty-Five: a sequential numbering system is used in the United States for successive holders of the elected office of President; we are currently on number Forty-Six (Joe Biden)
capo: 'head', or 'boss' in Italian, frequently used in connection with the Cosa Nostra (Mafia)

additional verse:
Special master
Taking the Fifth

If you have enjoyed these verses, you can explore even more material on related topics:

- 'Poetry and Pathos: Gun Control Verses
- 'a brief saga: Mar-a-Lago'
- 'political palindromes A through P' (click HERE to start).
There are also parody-song lyrics posted in 2022 that you might like, including: 

To resume daily titillations on our related blog "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of June 2024, there are about 1400 unique entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on "Edifying Nonsense" in topic-based collections.) The 'Daily' format also has the advantage of including some song-lyrics, videos and other material that are not shown here on this topic-based blog.

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