Sunday 10 June 2018


WORDPLAY post #122
CREATIVE WORDPLAY involving anagrams and Scrambletown maps. This post is a continuation of blogpost #116 ("FUN with impeachment") and #118 ("MORE FUN with impeachment"). 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, June 2018.

Scrambletown Maps re Impeachment
(continued from post #116 and #118 - see links above)

Readers wishing to review the first Scrambletown Map relating to this particular series of anagrams are asked to check the link to MORE FUN...

C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-A-L Aspects of Impeachment

The Editor regrets that lack of space in the above map required the omission of several towns that would otherwise be included, as they have a legitimate claim to use all the letters in the word 'CONSTITUTIONAL'. 
Apologies are made to Conation List, Icon-to-Stalin, Static Onion L., and Anti-Colonist UT; Olio-Tuna-Tins CT; Tonic Outsail and Tulsa Coition TN; Slit-Into-Tuna CO;  Sunlit Cotton IA; Tuition Altos NC; Station Count IL; and other locales.

  If you have enjoyed these verses on the theme of American political satire, you might like to proceed to view other items in our collection including:
- 'a brief saga: Mar-a-Lago'
- 'political palindromes A through P' (click HERE to start).
There are also some parody-song lyrics posted in 2019 and 2020, that you might like, including: 
- 'The Ballad of Giuliani', part I and part II.

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