Wednesday 10 November 2021

Progress in Poetry: BI-LYRICAL VERSE

This blogpost will give you more understanding and a lot of helpful examples related to a type of creative limerick variation indulged in by the authors. To see the whole spectrum of our efforts, you might want to take the time to review "A Corner of the Poet's World: LIMERICK VARIATIONS".

Authors' Note

  Despite the message of the verse, the author has taken pains to construct a slate of dual rhyme scheme, or bi-lyrical limericks, including the above instance; the rhyme scheme can be characterized as: 

line 1:  C...A
line 2:  C...A
line 3:  D...B
line 4:  D...B
line 5:  C...A.  

 I'm addicted to crafting verse terse,
 Though constricted by constructs perverse.
 To use dual-scheme rhymes
 Can confuse me at times;
 But, inflicted on readers? That's worse!

In the above verse, the additional C- and D-pattern rhymes are distinguished using green font. The scansion (pattern of beats), usually involves stressing the third syllable in each line (as indicated by underlining). In this instance, this pattern is broken in the third line of the verse.

Authors' Note: Goof is used here in a sense overlapping with goofball for a person whose behavior, silly and inept (or 'goofy'), is seen by others as scoff-worthy.

To date, the archives on the OEDILF site lists over 60 limerick entries that are spoofs on the classic Nantucket limericks. And, you might enjoy seeing some of Giorgio's contribution to that oeuvre, as collected in a post entitled 'Variant Verse: Spoofs on the Iconic Nantucket LimerickHERE.

Conversion disorder presenting as aphonia (the state of not being able to speak) is an occasionally encountered disorder with a psychologic basis.

 Authors' note: We (i.e. Dr. G.H. and his registered pseudonym Giorgio) have two brothers who have each written a textbook in his chosen field of endeavour. Our personal choice, however, is to indulge in the delights of poetry, using rhyme rather than free verse as our preferred modality.  

You might also want to check out a few other examples of this intriguing two-for-one poetic format. Check the collection here on 'Numbers', in particular, Four.  Moreover, the first verse of the 3-stanza brief saga 'Domestic Turkeys' is  written with a bi-lyrical rhyming  scheme. 

These poems comprise a particular type of limerick variant. To see a wider collection of thoughts on such dastardly derived doggerel, click on the collection "Limerick Variations: A Corner of the Poet's World" HERE

To resume daily titillations on our blog 'Daily Illustrated Nonsense', click HERE. Once you arrive, you can select your time frame of interest from the calendar-based listings in the righthand margin, and check the daily offerings for any month in the years 2020 to the present. (As of September 2022, there are 1000 entries available on the Daily blog, and most of these are also presented here on 'Edifying Nonsense' in topic-based collections.)

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